Tuesday, September 8, 2015


The vicious gnoll, the hyena headed monster of the desert and plains. Through rape, or demonic ritual they have spread their seed into human hosts, the results being the chaotic half-gnoll.
half-gnoll traits
Ability score increase: +2 strength
Alignment: a half-gnoll tends toward chaos and evil though some strive to exemplify the opposite traits
Size: half-gnolls are relatively the same size as humans if not a little differently proportioned, your size is medium
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet
Darkvision: your gnoll heritage grants you 60 feet of darkvision, you see in dim light as if it is normal light and darkness as if it is dim light. in darkness you cannot dicern color

Languages: you can speak common and gnoll, gnoll is a guttural language with varied barks and noises, it is written in dwarvish script

Half-gnoll sub-races

Pack Lord Heritage

You are descended from a gnoll chieftain, this gives you increased endurance and more command in battle
Ability Score Increase: +1 constitution
You gain proficiency with martial weapons.

Fang of Yugoth Heritage

You are decended from a Chosen of Yugoth, this gives you better ability to commune with others and grants you some magical prowess
Ability Score Increase: +1 charisma
Yugoth's blessing: Yugoth's blessing on you grants one warlock cantrip of your choice,
charisma is your spellcasting ability for it.