Saturday, August 29, 2015

A Brief History

                                                            A Brief History:
                     (All years coincide with the Calendar of the Asandari Republic)


815- Explorers from Asandar discover a new landmass, and found the first colony of Dasaran.

820- Skirmishes against the orcs and gnolls of the Lusin Desert increase. The god Arom grows in
power with the conflict.

821- The colony of Meghadrel is founded. The Dwarves are discoverd. There are brief battles, but then trade is established.

825- Dazhan is founded as a unified human and dwarven city.

830- Dataran is founded on Lake Nar. It is pronounced as Jewel of the Arryut. Argav is fouded as a wizard college.

840- Dasaran pushes the orcs back into the desert, the orcs retaliate by performing a ritual that rains fire from the sky, turning much of Dasaran to ash. Orc necromancers chain the spirits of the citizens to the ruins.

842- Aghet is founded on the southern coast of Lake Nar.

845- Elves make themselves known in Mihrwood. Seeing this, the gnomes also emerge from hiding, introducing humans to the worship of Sahran.

850- Orcs finally subjegate the goblins and gnolls, amassing an army. Five towers of onyx are erected in the Lusin Desert, burning with eldritch energy.

851- Tsurak, a half orc eldritch knight rises as a new warlord of the orcs, backed by a cabal of of orc warlocks and clerics. They march to war, several villages in the Otsmater Hills are quickly torched.

852- What comes to be known as simply the Orc War begins.

859- The Orc War ends with the deaths of Tsurak and his council. Arom snatches Tsurak's soul and reshapes him as His Herald.

870- Khurmastan is founded.

875- Dataran is pronounced as capital of the new landmass, delcares independence from the Asandari Republic.

878- A warlock and wizard begin to investigate Dasaran. The warlock, Gerezmon declares himself the King of Ghosts. The wizard, Dzyun, begins enslaving the ghosts of Dasaran for his master.

880- Khurmastan becomes famous for its wines and fruits.

888- Gerezmon and Dzyun make a pact with the remaining orc necromancers. Thousands of gnolls and goblins are killed, and then raised as ghulls (zombies).

890- The Lusin Desert's sand turns gray with necrotic energy. Wizards of Agrav go to investigate.

892- The god Aray makes himself known to a warrior. The first Paladin is made.

894- The Order of the Argent Flame is created, a group of Paladins of Aray and clerics of Sereneth. Their influence spreads quickly.

895- A base of operations is erected by the wizards of Argav on the border of the Lusin Desert.

903- Dzyun randomly teleports hundreds of goblin ghulls into Dataran, Dazhan, Khurmastan, and Meghadrel. They are eventually destroyed, but the casualties are high.

904- The Order of the Argent Flame and wizards of Argav join together to form the Silver Dawn and erect a fortress in the Lusin Desert. A group of Paladins, Clerics, and Wizards set out to find the necromancer responsible for the massacre of 903.

905- The battle of Dsaran ends with the death of Dzyun. Gerezmon secretly raises him as a wraith.

907- The godswar begins with the Second Coming of the Serpent.

930- The godswar ends when the god Bahamut sacrfices itself in the Vaskar Forest. The goddess Belo (known as Beloquin in the Asandari Republic) corrupts a village of halflings. They are now know as feral halflings, or simply as "the feral".

950- The wraith Dzyun has an underground citadel built beneath Dasaran. It searches for the ancient text The Mysteries of the Worm, a book authored by the mad mage Asmed. Aasimar, Dragonborn, and Tieflings, along with sorcerers begin to be born across the land.

960- Gerezmon disguises himself as an old wizard of Asandar and sets up himself up as an advisor to King Aeldrid of Meghadrel.

970- King Aeldrid, driven mad by Gerezmon and Gerezmon's patron begins a reign of terror.

972- Dataran sends troops to Meghadrel. Aeldrid is slain. Gerezmon escapes but in secret transforms Aeldrid into a Death Knight.

975- Meghadrel is abandoned. The cults of Mykeheth and Belo quickly move in.

980- An ancient black dragon awakens in the Vaskar. This is followed by other dragons awakening.

985- Dragonborn of evil intent flock to the Chromatic Dragons, while good aligned Dragonborn feel only revulsion.

1003- Current year.

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